Organic wines, biodynamic wines, natural wines, what are the differences?
THEorganic wines, biodynamic and natural are all
expressions of an agriculture aimed atto preserve the environmentand to
produce quality wines. However, although these methods shareof the
similarities in their approach, they are distinguished byprinciples
different founders as well as specific practicesto each. Here is
a brief overview of the information to remember.
Organic wines
Organic wines follow the specifications of agriculture
biological. The grapes are thereforegrown without using pesticides,
synthetic herbicides or fertilizers. These wines are recognizable thanks to theâABâ labels(Organic Farming) andEurosheet(the European organic logo), present on their bottle.
In order to convert a plot to organic farming,
a period of three yearsis necessary. During this period, the
vines and their grapes are grown organically but cannot yet claim
the official certification, the time that the soil and the vine partially evacuate the possible traces of chemical products previously used.
In terms of winemaking,a large number of inputs are
also prohibitedand only those certified organic can be used. By
elsewhere, themaximum doses of added sulphites(the famous SO2) are
also limited:100mg/L for red wines and 150mg/L for wines
white, i.e. respectively -33% and -25% compared to conventional wines.
The vineyards of certain regions benefiting from a dry and/or sunny climate, and therefore limiting
the appearance of certain diseases in the vine, are more easily cultivable according to the organic method. We think, for example, ofAlsace, thereProvence, thereCorsicaOr
again theLanguedoc-Roussillon.
To date, approximately15% of French vineyardsis driven in
Organic Agriculture.
Biodynamic wines
Theorized in 1920 by Rudolph Steiner, agriculture
biodynamic takes up the basic principles of organic farming
(prohibition of synthetic pesticides or herbicides for example) but isAgain
more restrictive. This is now certified bytwo labels:
Demeter and Biodyvin.
In biodynamics, the objective is to bethe least interventionist possibleand to use only natural products both in the vineyard and in the cellar. In
comparison, the biodynamic specifications prohibit, for example, the use
many additives yet usable in organic.
Moreover, biodynamics also adopts an approach
holistic based onlunar rhythms as well as astral positions.
Thus, manyhomeopathic treatmentsherbal (nettle,
chamomile, dandelion etc.) are used to energize and enrich the soil
and planned on very specific days, according to the position of the planets.
Finally,the use of sulfur is even more restrictive.
Thus, the maximum authorized doses are70mg/L for a red wine and
100mg/L for a white wine, i.e. respectively -30% and -40% compared to the
organic specifications.
To date,only 1% of French vineyards are managed in
Natural wines
Finally, natural or natural wines are produced by applying the same basic principles as organic and biodynamic (prohibition
chemicals) but infurther limiting the
human intervention and the products that can be used in the vineyard and in the cellar.
Thus, no input is authorized in vinification, the wine
being supposed to be as authentic and natural as possible, reflecting its terroir
and the natural characteristics of the grapes used. Onlydosages
ultra-low levels of SO2 (30mg/L maximum for red wines and 40mg/L for
white wines)are allowed.
Furthermore, there is also within natural wines the
category ofHEALTHY wines(Without any Ingredient or Sulfite), taking up the
precepts of natural philosophy but totally prohibiting
the addition of sulphites.
You will therefore have understood that organic farming,
biodynamics and the "nature method" are therefore methods of
production aimed atprotect the environment while aiming to produce the
best possible wine. If none of these certifications is perfect and
many debates exist around them, it is nevertheless however largely
admitted thatthese agricultures are preferable for man and the earth
compared to the conventional cultivation method.
Furthermore, the levels of added sulphites in organic wines,
biodynamic and nature are also weaker, thus allowing
many people who are sensitive or even intolerant to SO2 to drink quality wines
No cramps or headaches!
There you go, you now know the essentials of all these certifications
and all you have to do is make your choice within this beautiful
selection! And if you need advice, do not hesitate to do
call toThe Illuminated Cellar!